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A set of prototypes were built as demonstration of the technologies have developed and are available through this CD. The most recent versions of these tools are available at the indicated URL's.
The CommUnity workbench is available at that includes the extensions towards Distribution and Mobility developed in WP1.

Local download and installation instructions.

Coordination Development Environment (CDE): an interactive devevelopment environment for coordination contracts. More precisely, CDE allows developers to write contracts, to translate them into Java, to register Java classes (components) for coordination, and to animate the run-time behaviour of contracts and their participants.
CDE is available at and distributed on CD at demos and with the book "Software Design Using Java 2" published in October.

Local download and installation instructions.

Argomobile is an extension of the ArgoUML open source CASE tool for software development with UML. Argomobile includes the UML extensions for mobility developed in WP3 nad it supplements the extension for the Web application design.

Local download and installation instructions.

KlaiML: a framework that permits analysing KLAIM systems and verifying the logical properties of mobile and distributed systems. See:

Local download.

Sk2etmcc: A tranlsator from StocKlaim to ETMCC. See:

Local download.

UMC: "on the fly" mu-ACTL+ model checker for UML statechart,

Local download and installation instructions.

The HAL environment implements decision procedures to calculate behavioral equivalences between pi-calculus agents, and modules which support verification on pi-calculus agents of safety and liveness properties expressed as formulae of suitable temporal logics.
HAL on line :

Local download and installation instructions.

Klava (KLAIM in JAVA): a JAVA package implementing all the functionalities for the run-time systems of KLAIM.
Klava is available at

Local download and installation instructions.

X-KLAIM: a programming language that extends KLAIM with high-level constructs and strong mobility. A compiler translates X-KLAIM programs into Java programs that rely on the Klava package.
X-KLAIM is available at

Local download and installation instructions.

In addition, the site of the KLAIM Project ( keeps information to

It is possible to download the X-Klaim compiler and the Java package KLAVA, with same examples, for testing the client system.

On to Partners Part of AGILE: Architectures for Mobility (IST-2001-32747)
Hubert Baumeister (
April 29, 2005